
Our Publications

Learn more about the work we do at Pathways Policy Institute by looking through our publications, that include newsletters, study findings, opinion pieces, and submitted memoranda.


As we reflect on the past year (2023), we at Pathways Policy Institute are excited to present our annual report, showcasing the impactful work we’ve accomplished together. Over the past twelve months, we’ve been dedicated to advancing our mission of promoting positive change and empowerment within communities. From advocating for policy reform to implementing grassroots initiatives, we’ve been actively engaged in various endeavours aimed at creating a more equitable and just society. We invite you to delve into our report to learn more about the inspiring stories, initiatives, and achievements that have shaped our journey. Thank you for your continued support and partnership as we strive to make a difference in the world.

PPI Semi Annual Newsletter 2022

It’s been an eventful transition from 2021 to 2022 and as we all get used to living with the Covid 19 Pandemic. At Pathways, we are very happy to have had a successful half year of 2022 amidst the rising cases as well as an electioneering period.
As always, we love to keep you in the loop on our activities and projects. Here’s what we’ve been up to between January and June 2022: You will join us in #condomblowing4acause during international condom day, join us in class as we learn #SRH advocacy with our new cohort of youth champions and later unwind by camping with us as we commemorate international women’s.

We bring the curtains down by engaging county government officials on matters ‘Ugatuzi’ which translates to devolution for Health and Water.As always we appreciate your feedback so get in touch. We look forward to walking the other half of 2022 together.

Enjoy our newsletter.

Pathways Policy Institute Semi-Annual Report

While COVID-19 pandemic was doing its push-ups ready to attack, Pathways Policy Institute (PPI) was also doing its own push-ups to launch. We are grateful that we achieved all the targets and activities scheduled.

We are keen to assess how our strategy faired, how people and processes adapted and how quality and commitment to PPI clients has helped them respond, recover and thrive under the strain of extraordinary circumstances.

PPI has an opportunity not just to help create awareness in the various counties we work in, but also help re-shape and create a better world …

Memorandum on the Laikipia County 2025/26 Annual Development Plan

This submission was prepared by Laikipa County CSOs Forum chaired by  Pathways Policy Institute on the 2025/26 Annual Development Plan.

Memorandum on the Laikipia County Budget Estimates for 2024-2025

This submission was prepared by Pathways Policy Institute, on the Laikipia County Budget Estimates for 2024-25.

Memorandum on the Laikipia County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2024-2025

This submission was prepared by LACCSOF (Laikipia County Civil Society Organisations Forum) members; 14 CSOs chaired by PPI, on the Laikipia County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2024-25.

Memorandum on the reproductive healthcare bill.2019.senate bill no.23 of 2019

This submission was prepared by a collective of 14 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) that are implementing reproductive health care particularly, Reproductive, Maternal, Neo-natal, Child, and Adolescent Health care (RMNCAH) projects at County and National levels.

Joint Civil Society Position Paper on adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights during covid 19 pandemic

Youth below 35 years constitute more than three-quarters of Kenya’s population and thus a significant proportion whose well-being is critical to the development of the country.


This report examines policy and investment efforts in Narok County aimed at advancing Sexual
Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), addressing Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
(SGBV), eradicating Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), and improving Family Planning (FP) and
Maternal and Child Health (MCH). The findings are drawn from an analysis of the County
Integrated Development Plan (CIDP), Annual Development Plan (ADP), and budget

Citizen's Budget- Bajeti Ya Mwananchi - FY 2024-2025

Pathways Policy Institute in conjunction with Groots Kenya and the Laikipia County Government collaborated in the creation of the Citizen’s Budget for the approved County government of Laikipia Budget Estimates for recurrent and development expenditure for FY 2024/25

Out-of-Pocket Expenditure Study 2024

A budget analysis for Family Planning and Climate Resilience: Out-of-Pocket Expenditure on Family Planning in Laikipia County, 2024.

Assessing Commitments: A Detailed Analysis Of Samburu County's Strategies And Investments In SRHR And Ending FGM Through CIDPS 2022-27 and ADP Budgets 2022/23-2024/25

This analysis examines the County Government of Samburu’s commitments, allocations, and investments in its CIDP for 2022-2027 and ADP budgets for 2022/23, 2023/24, and 2024/25 concerning SRHR and ending FGM/FGC. This analysis provides a comprehensive view of the County Government’s strategies, collaborations, legislative framework, budget allocations, and intervention impact. Additionally, it explores the experiences and perspectives of community members, especially women and youth. The aim is to illuminate progress, challenges, and lessons learned by the County Government of Samburu in FGM, sexual reproduction, family planning, and youth affairs from 2022 to 2027. This examination aids in understanding broader implications for public policy, governance, and residents’ well-being.

Isiolo County's Efforts In SRHR/FP And FGM Eradication: Analyzing County Commitments In County's Strategies And Investments (CIDPS) 2022-27 And ADP Budgets 2022/23-2024/25.

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) stands at the core of public health and human rights, covering reproductive health services, family planning, maternal health, and the right to informed decisions about one’s sexual and reproductive health. Simultaneously, addressing Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is vital, being a harmful cultural practice impacting the well-being of individuals, particularly women and girls.  This analysis will provide insights into Isiolo County’s strategies, commitments, and resource allocation for SRHR and FGM, benefiting stakeholders, policymakers, and organizations striving to enhance the well-being of Isiolo residents and advance SRHR and FGM elimination. This detailed analysis of Isiolo County’s CIDPs for 2022-2027 and the ADP budgets for 2022/23, 2023/24, and 2024/25 with a focus on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and efforts to end Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) will provide valuable insights into the county’s strategies and investments in these critical areas.

Facility Improvement Fund for Laikipia County

Facility Improvement Fund (FIF) is revenue collected at public health facilities as user fees paid to defray the costs of running these facilities. This fund is usually vital in enabling facilities to manage their day-to day expenses and to manage situations where emergency supplies need to be acquired.
The Government of Kenya acknowledges that Kenyans are entitled to quality, accessible, and affordable health care. As the need for health care services continues to increase, it has become necessary to supplement Government financing from other sources; one of such sources is cost sharing revenue. The principle of cost sharing is not new in the world. Kenyans are sharing costs through school fees, airport tax; and are accustomed to paying mission and private hospitals for health services. Cost sharing revenues should be deposited into a Facility Improvement Fund (FIF) account. Such income is additional to budget allocations from the Treasury.

Laikipia County Health Budget Highlights

Advocates are working to increase domestic financing and reduce donor dependency. Kenya has now embarked on an ambitious program under the FP2030 commitments by signing up to reduce teenage pregnancies and in crease domestic funding for FP.

Family planning (FP) advocacy plays a key role in policy development and budget allocation. Pathways Policy Institute has over the years been lobbying for increased budgetary allocation for Family Planning and Maternal Child Health in Laikipia. This has seen a gradual growth from 2019 to now FY2022/2023 having threefold of the 2019 allocation.

Laikipia County Out Of Pocket Expenditure Survey Report

The survey sought to determine the Out of Pocket (OOP) expenditure incurred by Women of Reproductive Age (WRA) in Kenya while accessing FP services offered in hospitals, the number of WRA visiting hospitals for FP services, the cost of FP service, the preferred modes of payments, the revenues earned from rendering the FP services, and per capita cost in accessing FP service.

The data was collected from three hospitals in Laikipia County two public facilities and a privately owned hospital. Laikipia Health Services Nanyuki, Laikipia Health Services Nyahururu, and Nanyuki Cottage Hospital respectively.

The study also sought to add to the discourse of Family Planning in the Universal Health Coverage Context and help advocates of FP to push for the inclusion of Family planning in the benefits package and provide data for decision-makers to use in evidence-led decision making.

Nyeri County Out Of Pocket Expenditure Survey Report

The survey sought to determine the Out of Pocket Expenditure (OOP) incurred by Women of Reproductive Age (WRA) in the Nyeri County. The survey reviewed hospital data on FP services for 12 months during the financial year from July 2020 to June 2021, focusing on two public facilities Nyeri Town health center (level 3) and Karatina District hospital (level 4) and Chaka Health Services a privately owned by assessing

Nakuru County Out Of Pocket Expenditure Survey Report

The survey sought to determine the Out of Pocket Expenditure (OOP) incurred by Women of Reproductive Age (WRA) in Nakuru County while accessing FP services. The survey collected data from three hospitals in 2 public facilities Naivasha District Hospital (level 4), Gil Gil Sub- County Hospital (level 3) and MediSprings Medical Centre private facility

The Building Bridges Initiative

The taskforce main mandate was to evaluate the national challenges outlined in the Joint Communiqué of ‘Building Bridges to a New Kenyan Nation’, and thereafter, to make practical recommendations and reform proposals that would lead the country in building lasting unity in Kenya; Including matters affecting men, women, and Youths.

To ensure the same, particularly to young people and women, we need to work with them to build their confidence and build their ability to shape their future. Using the Building Bridges Initiative Report (BBI), we can put together feasible plans that will lift the youth by ensuring they are informed on the opportunities that BBI has for them as well as allow them to identify gaps that they feel they were left out.

Engaging Youth in Participatory Budgeting Processes

The participatory budgeting process is true transparency, as it gives freedom to the public to decide exactly what is to be done with the budget.

An Analysis of the Kenya Reproductive Budget During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Since devolution, the Government of Kenya has been increasing the National Health budget, despite most of the health roles being devolved. A sneak preview of the last 5 years indicates a steady increment in the budget figures.

5th Cohort of the JASIRI Youth Champions Boot Camp.

Join us as we delve into the transformative experience of the 5th Cohort of the JASIRI Youth Champions boot camp. This training empowered youth to drive change at the grassroots level, with a focus on Population, Health, Environment, and Climate Change. The training equipped 28 young advocates from diverse counties, including Laikipia, Isiolo, Nakuru, Samburu, Nyeri, Narok, Marsabit, Nairobi, Kirinyaga, Nyandarua, and Kajiado. Selected from a pool of 916 nationwide applicants, the JASIRI fellows gained essential skills and knowledge through sessions on SMART advocacy, budget advocacy, SRHR and FP advocacy and Climate Justice advocacy. Discover the impact of youth empowerment in creating positive change. Read more here.

International Condoms Day 2024- Let's Use Condom-Sense!!!

Pathways Policy Institute, Laikipia Health Service and the Department of Youth, Sports and Social Services in conjunction with Drawing Dreams Initiative, The Leo Project, Community Health Africa Trust, Hope Worldwide, NEPHAK, Light for the World, and other partners working in Laikipia County took part in commemorating International Condoms Day 2024, with a procession from Leo Local Nanyuki to Nanyuki Stadium for a fun event that integrated cycling, football and Para-volleyball tournaments, music, condom use demonstrations with free service provision for the Community members. Have a look at our event.

4th Cohort of the Tupepee 2 high school program

PPI just completed its 4th cohort of the Tupepee 2 High School program, a transitory one-day training for students transitioning from primary to high school held at Kagondo Secondary and Kwa Maina Thama Primary, in Laikipia 241 in-school and out-of-school adolescents.

The program, held on January 5 and January 6, 2024, aimed at preparing these youngsters for a seamless transition to high school and beyond. Covering crucial topics like personal hygiene, career goals, relationships, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights and what to expect once they join high school.

A Letter from the Policy and Advocacy department, 2023

A Letter from the Youth and Women Department, 2023

CHOICES THAT EMPOWER: World Contraception Day 2023

In the fight towards zero unmet need for Family planning, In the heart of Doldol, Laikipia County, a vibrant celebration recently unfolded – World Contraception Day 2023. The theme “The Power of Choices: Tambua Cs Choice ni Yako” reverberated through the community, reminding us of all that the choices we make about our sexual and reproductive health are deeply personal, empowering, and crucial. This vibrant event, organized by Pathways Policy Institute (PPI) in collaboration with several dedicated partners showcased the transformative impact of informed choices, male involvement, and advocacy around contraception.


International Youth Day, celebrated annually on the 12th of August, is a global observance dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the immense potential, energy, and contributions of young people to society. This day serves as a platform to raise awareness about the challenges and issues faced by the youth, while also highlighting their role in shaping the world’s future. This year the theme was Green Skills for Youth focusing on climate action and empowering the youth to show their innovations around the same.

The day highlights the importance of providing them with a platform to express their ideas, concerns, and solutions, thus giving them a voice in decision-making processes. By doing so, it recognises that the youth play a crucial role in shaping policies, driving innovation, and bringing about positive change.

To this end, Pathways this year, supported the planning and actualization of three youth activities across Kenya, that allowed for the youth to express their ingenuity and prowess.

It's BLOODY HOT; Menstrual Equity Summit

To commemorate this year’s Menstrual Hygiene Management Week Drawing Dreams Initiative, Pathways Policy Institute joined hands with Drawing Dreams Initiative and other partners to hold the inaugural Menstrual Equity Summit in Laikipia County, Kenya on the 26th and 27th of May 2023, marking a significant milestone in the pursuit of Menstrual equity and proper Menstrual Health and Hygiene Management. This two-day event gathered stakeholders from diverse sectors to engage in discussions on menstruation and its impact on society. Under the theme “It’s bloody hot! Reimagining and strengthening collective action for menstrual equity.” The summit set out to foster inclusive dialogue, education, and policy development for a more equitable future. 

A Messy Participatory Process is Indicative of Democracy at its Best.

As members of the global hub for participatory democracy called People Powered, Pathways had the opportunity to join 80 other implementers and researchers from around the world to discuss practical action on participatory and deliberative democracy. The objective of the convening was to network with other organizations working on Participatory and Deliberative Democracy and share positive practices from the implementation of participatory budgeting in municipalities while learning new mechanisms for citizen engagement and innovative tools.

3rd Cohort Jasiri Youth Champion Boot Camp

They say that the third time’s the charm well, for the 3rd cohort of JASIRI Youth Champions boot camp it was without a doubt bigger and better. Pathways Policy Institute being a big believer in informed youth influencing change held the third cohort of the JASIRI youth champions boot camp, an exciting venture that brought together 38 youths from eight different counties in Kenya; Marsabit, Isiolo, Samburu, Narok, Laikipia, Nyeri, Nakuru and Machakos, for a three-day training session that sought to equip them with skills and knowledge on the county budget, Sexual and Reproductive Health and rights, social accountability, and Climate justice, among other topics while also providing a platform for the youths to share experiences and discuss issues in the context of their different Counties.

#Tupepee2HighSchool Cohort 3

Regardless of their differences, all teen populations need access to information about their bodies,
relationships, and career choices…This is essential for creating a healthy future, especially
for those starting high school. #Tupepee2highschool Cohort 3.

#RideonaC International Condoms Day 2023

What comes to mind when you hear the word condom? Fun? (wink wink), awkward conversations, shame? Most likely… cycling? Certainly not. What if I told you those two ideas can exist simultaneously? Encourage youth to have fun while demystifying condom use and reminding the public that condoms prevent STDS and unwanted pregnancy.

This was the PPI strategy for ICD 2023. Every year on February 13th, Pathways Policy Institute, in collaboration with partner organisations, observes International Condoms Day. This year it was observed a day earlier, on February 12, 2023, at LEO Local in Nanyuki. Pathways sought to enlighten and educate members of the public on the proper use of condoms, and to additionally demystify condom use.

International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) 2022

The 2022 ICFP brought the Family planning and Reproductive Health community together to strengthen our collective movement to achieve universal access to family planning by 2030 as an essential element of Universal Health Coverage.Themed; “Family Planning & Universal Health Coverage: Innovate. Collaborate. Accelerate.

Pathways Policy Institute participated and presented 3 abstracts at this year’s conference namely;

  • 1. Out of pockets (OOP) expenditure study by women of reproductive age in Laikipia County, Kenya – Lucky Kaesha
  • 2. Youth-Led Budget Implementation and follow-up; A case study of Advocacy for Youth Friendly Services in Laikipia-Sherry Muthaura.
  • 3. Out of Pocket Expenditure by Women for Family Planning – Peter Ngure.


Drawing dreams initiative in partnership with Pathways policy institute which are youth led non-profit organizations spearheaded the 2nd edition of the Dreams Youth expo which was held on the 1st & 2nd July 2022 in Nanyuki, Laikipia county.

This is a platform that bridges the gap between young innovators and creative’s with investors, government agencies and market players within the diverse sectors. The expo brought together 76 exhibitors from different sectors.

Tupepee 2 High School

For many of us, high school represents the happiest time of our life. It’s the point at which we’ve lost our primary school Infant skins and are settling into our adult bodies. We are now young adults. Our bodies are going through a sequence of transformations.

The famous P word that causes fear In teenagers. Puberty… a time that every adolescent must endure to progress Into physical and mental adulthood. This time consists of many awkward moments, struggles with Identity, and a desire to test the boundaries.

#BreaktheBias #RoadTrip4acause International Women's Day

Women in society for the longest time have been victim to bias and stereotypes which have led to their concerns and rights getting neglected if not abused. To mark international women’s day Pathway’s policy institute participated in the Road trip 4 a cause, an initiative powered by Drawing Dreams Initiative. watch video

“All people have the right to access health care services including and not limited to Reproductive Health
Services and information. In addition to this, persons with disability also have unique Health care needs and therefore need equity in consideration.”

Tupepee Kwenda High School

Change is inevitable, this statement, heard so many times whenever a big decision is faced is
true but that fact does not necessarily make the change aforementioned easy, especially when
this ideal is presented to a child going to high school.
The Tupepee Kwenda High School is a program that aims at preparing students transitioning from primary school to high school by equipping them with information that will ensure their transition to high school is smooth.

Better Boys!

Pathways Policy Institute in partnership with The Leo Project are implementing a boys school outreach program dabbed #BetterBoys that targets adolescent boys in Laikipia County. These sessions are aimed at engaging the boys in conversations about their Sexual Reproductive Health needs, Mensural Hygiene information and boy- girls relationship.


The #Roadtrip4acause; Choices, Bonfires & Condoms!

“♪Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb ♬” … well Mary (from nomadic Laikipia North) needs Sexual reproductive health rights, she needs rescuing from harmful cultural practices i.e FGM and early marriages, she needs sanitary towels, menstrual hygiene management education too….”

International Women's Day; Ngare Naro Primary School Nyahururu

To fulfil our Cooperate Social Responsibility we engage our #LaikipiaYouthChangeMakers through Menstrual Hygiene Management #MHMClubs in partnership Laikipia County.
We use these platforms to distribute Sanitary products, meaningfully engage different members of the communities and disseminating SRHR information; to ensure that the girls and boys get correct information about their sexuality which informs the decisions they make.

International Menstrual Day; Periods do not Pause for Pandemics!

This International Menstrual Health Day, Pathways Policy Institute in conjunction with Drawing Dreams Initiative held two pad drives  in Laikipia County; that aimed at educating  the girls and boys on Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) and at deconstructing the idea that the inclusion of the boy child/men in conversations around reproductive health and menstruation is taboo. #MHM2021

Blowing Fun into Sex!

Using a condom correctly and consistently offers dual protection against unplanned and unwanted pregnancies as well as STIs including HIV. Let us prevent oops! moments by demystifying the use of Condoms so as to encourage adolescents, youth, and all the sexually active people in our communities to use them.

Impact Of Corona Virus Pandemic on the Laikipia County Economy

Pathways Policy Institute, together with the county government of Laikipia conducted an impact study of Covid on the economy of the county. 88.6% of the respondents reported that their income had changed negatively.