Timiza Ugatuzi project is a 4-year National Program (2021-2025) funded by the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office Consortium led by ACT Change Transform (ACT). Through Laikipia County Civil Society Organization Forum (LACCSOF), a network of 12 CSOs working in Laikipia county, Timiza Ugatuzi addresses community challenges, one of them being the inadequate engagement between county governments and citizens in service delivery and limited integration of evidence, digital technology and learning as enablers of public service delivery. The project based in Ngobit Ward focuses specifically works on social accountability by citizens at the Laikipia Health Services Ngobit and the Kiandege Water Project.
PPI is also leading the Kenya Coalition of the Participatory Budgeting team of 5 CSOs in the fiscal space for accountability and open budget governance at the county and national Levels in a project budded Building
Inclusive Democracy.
The project which is funded by People Powered is aimed at improving citizens ability to participate in budgeting process including public participation. The project will also focus on school based participatory budgeting to ensure we are building a new generation of participatory democracy champions in Kenya.